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Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy.


I always recommend to all my clients when if possible and depending on the product itself to use Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon). You send the stocks to Amazon and they send to your customers.

Fulfilment By Amazon


Sales will increase by 37% – Amazon customers trust AMAZON


Time Saving: How long will it take you or your staff to pick pack and address label – 1000 orders? Using FBA you won’t need to do any of this


Cost effective shipping – FBA rates are highly competitive and in most cases lower than Royal Mail


Amazon customers will receive the order – Next or Same day, Everyone’s happy and you get better reviews which will increase sales further

When setup correctly and there is a lot of tweaking to do,

Simply single label the product and place inside a carton and ship stock to Amazon through seller central who will also discount the courier charges by 40%

After I evaluate your products with my FBA desk – We will advise the best options for YOU! –
Happy Days

Amazon Brand Registry

One of My Busiest
Departments Unfortunately

Just imagine – You have sourced a great quality product – Done all the amazing marketing work – Your listing is Born – it’s starting to sell like hotcakes, Customers love the product, you get excellent reviews – The listing is on the first page either it’s Amazon Choice or Best Seller now – and wake up one morning to discover your sales have stopped because another seller is offering a counterfeit product at a lower price.

We will get them removed within 15 Mins

While we always help build and protect your brand, Amazon’s Brand Registry is a specific tool Amazon seller use to ensure the quality and integrity of their brand is not tarnished by counterfeit products or bad reviews. As part of Brand Registry protection, other users who commit Brand fraud will be suspended for doing so. We will help you set up and monitor Amazon Brand Registry on your account.

Amazon Advertising

Amazon Sponsored Campaigns are another area we offer guidance and expertise with. There are two ways to utilize this service, by sponsoring the listings and sponsoring the brands. We help you make the right choice of what kind of advertising campaign you should purchase through Amazon, and why that choice would be our most successful marketing strategy for your business based on your range of products. There are many aspects to advertising products successfully on your Amazon page.

“It’s all in the Keywords”

Search the way a customer would search and you will discover and understand the value of great keywords, We have seen some campaigns run so badly the ACOS (Actual Cost of Advertising) is so high you could lose money, IE: Product is sold for £10.55 the ACOS was 130% and advertising cost was £13.52

This can Break You or Make You

But don’t worry we are experts on Amazon PPC Campaigns – Bobs your Uncle

Ungating Restricted Amazon Categories

I love these Restricted Categories

“Just think about it – Amazon is restricting the competition –
Once you’re in then its plane Sailing all the way”

We will also help you navigate the process of qualifying your products to sell items in gated categories. You have probably noticed by now that some of the product categories on Amazon are restricted. The process for appealing this restriction as an independent seller is lengthy and involved. Thankfully, our customers do not have to deal with that, because we will appeal to Amazon on your behalf to
unlock these categories for you.

XSELLOGIC Full Account Management

delivers RESULTS!!!


While launching any new online business can be daunting and overwhelming,
this is especially true of Amazon. Ready to join the community of Amazon
sellers but not sure where to begin?

Managing a successful Amazon account is an involved, time-consuming process for any busy entrepreneur; you have enough to worry about. Let us manage your Amazon account for you. We will gather and record data, determine where improvements can be made, and implement the necessary changes. Selling products successfully to Amazon customers takes an extremely proactive approach. Amazon is the self-proclaimed “most customer-centric company on earth”, and we offer that same to our clients.

SHALL I POP THE KETTLE ON? – Do you fancy a
– Give me a Call and let’s get Started


We work within the framework of existing Amazon policies to elicit and curate a portfolio of real positive reviews from your actual customers! These can have a phenomenal benefit to your ratings and popularity as a seller, and as a result, a positive impact on the continued growth of your business. We encourage sellers to provide exceptional service to their customers, and customers to tell other users what a great experience they had with their sellers.

Global Expansion Services is very important when selling within a global market. It is imperative to have the skills to communicate with all potential buyers. Unfortunately, most business owners do not possess experience in Amazon platforms around the world. My team will assist you in navigating the Amazon marketplace all over the world, and in every language. We specialize in bringing your business into the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Australia, Mexico, Canada. We have local translators who know their market!!!



It’s Simple – Don’t Break the Rules and You Won’t get Suspended

Amazon has so many policies in place and rightly so they need to – because it protects the marketplace which we all rely on, If you want to be a Lawyer you have to study Criminal and Civil law for years, a Successful lawyer can only defend you if they know their LAW – There is so much Policy Wording in place with Amazon it will fill a whole Encyclopedia

image 7

My clients don’t get suspended because we won’t let them break Amazon Law

But if you’re reading this section because your account has been suspended, you’re not alone – Every day on an Average Amazon will suspend 40,000 accounts just in the UK – from small innocent mistakes to serious ones.

We currently have a success rate of 83.9% for reinstatement of accounts after drafting and submitting an appeal. We know the three aspects that matter most for achieving reinstatement; acknowledging what went wrong, why it happened, and complying with the Amazon best practice steps to ensure it does not continue to happen in the future.


We know where to go to find the best Deal

Sourcing products to sell can be time-consuming and tedious, especially when performing this task on a global scale. My experts in global wholesale can guide you on where to go to source the inventory you need to grow your business at the lowest possible price.

Our clients enjoy a multi-phase inventory management system. We monitor your inventory and offer insight into how you should manage your inventory based on relevant data and consumer habits in the current marketplace. We advise you on demand for your products, the quantity you have on hand at any given moment, how much more we think you will need to purchase in the future to satisfy demand,
as well as how quickly you can expect to sell out.


Your Brand is YOUR Success

Let me help you build, grow, and protect your brand

We will provide you with research and experience-based advice on what kind of image and brand you are striving to create for your company. We protect your brand from slander, unwarranted negative reviews, and falling short of stated communication objectives. Not only do we help you create or enhance your brand, but we also help you defend it, we work with the best patent attorneys who are high ranking members of CIPA (The Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys) any Infringement on your Trademark is dealt with swiftly through the powers at be with The Intellectual Property Office (IPO)


We also have a variety of product management services, such as product image management. That being said, wouldn’t you want the best picture possible to attract buyers to purchase your product? The way a product looks in an item listing picture can make or break the deal.

“A picture is worth a thousand Words.”

The initial impression the picture gives is a determining factor in motivating the customer to buy your product compared to a similar product from another seller. We manage the images that will appear on your product listings to ensure that they are accurate, appealing, and are in the correct format and size.

We also offer training on how to take a proper picture of an item to upload in the correct size, format, and placement. We also offer item selection advisement. My advisors can point you in the right direction.


We also offer a variety of content services, such as keyword optimization, a process in which our SEO experts choose the right words, and the right combinations of words, to get your product in front of more buyers.

How you title your keywords will greatly affect how many potential buyers will see your listing

Keeping your listings in the spotlight, and at the top of the search rank! – Part of this is achieved by having a valid, and SEO friendly product description. Much like keywords, the product description and product listing can be optimized through research and SEO content creation. My team fully understands the importance of having relevant, on-brand, compelling content that is SEO friendly to generate a lot of search traffic.

Our content creation experts will generate headings, listings and descriptions of your projects that will ensure the buyer hits the right button. The listings we generate for our clients are specifically geared towards the target audience of potential buyers for your product. Having researched and mastered the art of ranking highly on e-commerce search engines, we can positively affect the ranking your product will receive in search engines through research, paid advertisements, and optimization.


We believe in making educated and informed decisions at every stage of business. It is to this end that we offer our reports and analytics service. We collect and analyze data regarding your products, marketing campaigns, customer base, brand image, search popularity, website popularity, and a variety of other factors. We report to you on what aspects are achieving success, and what aspects need improvement


Are you an independent business owner who likes to take success into their own hands? Sign up for our exclusive Amazon Seller Training Course. We will build the foundation of knowledge you and your staff need to become successful navigators of Amazon’s e-commerce platform. Learn how to create, maintain, and optimize your seller account through videos, webinars, live support, and various other methods.

Knowledge is Power

We cover everything from the basics, like creating your account, to in-depth topics like making the most of advertising campaigns, SEO friendly listings, descriptions, and titles, avoiding suspension and reinstating your account after suspension, selling globally, unlocking gated categories, where to source and purchase inventory, inventory management, report generation and analysis, and so much more!